Why Stress Relief is Important for Association Professionals

As an association leader, you have firsthand experience of the rigorous demands of working at an association. Just as you’re busy trying to determine how to add value to your member experience, your team is hard at work growing your organization’s revenue, scheduling networking events, and searching for resources to offer your members.

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Mastering Leadership Communication to Connect with Members

Whether you manage a social or professional fraternity or sorority, communicating with members should be one of your top priorities. With all your organization has to do on a daily basis, member engagement activities can unintentionally fall by the wayside. 

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5 Web Design Tips to Make Your Association Website Stand Out

As an association professional, you understand the value of a strong website design. A well-designed website can help you attract new members, retain existing members, and firmly establish your brand identity online so you can build credibility for your organization. 

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Growing Your Association's Non-Dues Revenue: The Basics

The idea that all or most of your association’s revenue should come from membership dues is an outdated, inaccurate assumption. According to ASAE, dues made up only 30% of total revenue for professional associations in 2016, a steep drop from 95.7% in 1953. But if your association isn’t experienced with managing multiple revenue streams (or has only just begun to experiment by selling merchandise or event tickets), diversifying your sources of revenue might seem like a large, complex undertaking.

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Unlocking Growth Potential: The Benefits of Working with a Marketing Agency

Whether you run a small business that's just starting out or an established business looking to expand, working with a marketing agency can help unlock your growth potential. Not only can a team of professionals help you find weaknesses in your current strategy, but they can also use their resources and connections to boost a new plan. In this blog post, the Indiana Society of Association Executives will outline the benefits of working with a marketing agency as you strive to increase your customer base and grow your business.

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4 Ways Meeting Planners Can Best Utilize CVBs

When we seek information in the modern age, we typically head straight for Google. And who can blame us for that? If we’re adept keyword searchers, we would get exactly what we seek within seconds.

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Surviving the Pressure Cooker: A Look at Gallup’s 2023 Global Workforce Report

The constant chase for more has driven us to such elevated levels of stress and anxiety that it’s becoming the stuff of global studies.

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5 Web Design Tips to Make Your Association Website Stand Out

As an association professional, you understand the value of a strong website design. A well-designed website can help you attract new members, retain existing members, and firmly establish your brand identity online so you can build credibility for your organization. 

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4 Tips for Maximizing Your Association’s Member Engagement

To grow your association, you’ll need new tools, dedicated staff, and a reliable membership base. This last element is especially important, as a key part of expanding your organization is maintaining and engaging the members you have. After all, new members are far more likely to be interested in joining and staying with associations that have a lively community they can participate in. 

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4 Tips to Build Your Membership Program's Digital Strategy

Connecting with all of your members online is key for maintaining an active and engaged audience. Although your association holds meaningful in-person events throughout the year, for most organizations, the bulk of communication with members will take place online. 

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United States employees shown to be one of the most stressed populations globally

In one of the largest studies of burnout in history, Gallup found that 60% of people are detached at work, and 19% are miserable.

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4 Best Practices for Creating an Inclusive Digital Strategy

Digital inclusivity has increasingly become a priority for associations, nonprofits, and other membership-based organizations. 

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Hosting a Silent Auction: 5 Top Tips for Your Association

After sitting through so many virtual meetings, chances are your association members are thrilled to get back to in-person events and fundraisers. A silent auction is a great way to get back into the swing of things. Silent auctions have the potential to garner tons of revenue and generate excitement with members.

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3 Benefits of Micro-Credentials for Associations

Your association exists because of the many members who engage with and contribute to the organization. However, the pandemic led to a decrease in membership and member engagement for many associations.

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Fundraising Events for Your Association: 5 Pros and Cons

Fundraising events are a fun and exciting way to bring in extra funds for your association. These events give your members and supporters the chance to get together for a good cause. Not only do fundraisers expand your association’s budget, but they can also boost member engagement.

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Building an Engaging Association Website: 5 Tips

Growing your association can be an exciting if not challenging task. From creating new content and expanding your marketing to making sure you’re retaining current members, there are a variety of ways to grow your membership and multiple factors you’ll need to consider. Of these factors, your website should be a top priority. 

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5 Tips for Hosting a Successful Virtual Board Meeting

The COVID-19 pandemic might have caused virtual board meetings to be a necessity for a time, but by now, your organization has likely caught on to the various other benefits of virtual gatherings. 

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An Association Professional's Guide to Social Media

Did you know that approximately 4.5 billion individuals (the majority of the world’s population) are active social media users? While it’s easy to dismiss TikTok, Instagram, and other platforms as little more than digital playgrounds for people to kill time, the fact of the matter is that social media has become an incredibly powerful outlet for individuals and organizations alike to market themselves, share content, and connect with new audiences.

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Trade Associations/Business Leagues – Lobbying Activities and its Reporting Requirements

Trade associations and business leagues that are tax-exempt under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(6) are allowed unlimited lobbying..  In fact, many of these organizations have a significant amount of legislative and executive advocacy activities and expenditures.  However, trade associates and business leagues must follow certain IRS rules and regulations. 

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4 Expert Tips for Improving Public Speaking Skills

If the thought of giving a speech or presentation in front of a crowd or group makes you break out in a cold sweat, you aren’t alone. 75% of adults express a fear of public speaking. 

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