5 Member Retention Challenges and Solutions for Associations

Recent reports show that member retention concerns persist for associations, and they are perceived as one of the biggest impediments to organizational growth. However, there are myriad reasons for membership loss, and associations must address their unique challenges to boost retention.

Let’s review associations' most common member retention challenges and the solutions for overcoming them.

Challenge 1: Lack of member engagement

Members who feel disconnected from your association won’t see its relevance in their professional or personal lives. As a result, they’ll be less motivated to renew their membership when it expires.

Relevant resources, content, and events encourage members’ continued participation and engagement. According to Blue Sky eLearn, a learning management system (LMS) is essential for this exact purpose—it helps you deliver personalized and interactive learning experiences to foster long-term retention. 

More specifically, you can use an LMS for:

Alt text: Use cases of an association LMS, which are listed in the text below.

  • Member education and training

  • Certification programs

  • Continuing education credits

  • Professional development courses

  • Onboarding new members

  • Conference and event management

  • Knowledge sharing and collaboration

  • Revenue generation through course sales

  • Tracking member learning progress

  • Compliance training

Note that these use cases don’t only apply to members. Your association can also realize increased non-dues revenue by using an LMS to deliver and promote engaging content in a streamlined course catalog.

Takeaway: With the help of your association LMS, deliver content that encourages increased member participation and engagement.

Challenge 2: Difficult renewal processes

Complex or manual renewal processes deter members from continuing their membership because of the inconvenient (and sometimes unnecessary) steps required. If your renewal process involves completing an online form, keep these trends in mind:

  • 81% of users abandon online forms after starting to fill them out. 

  • The nonprofit sector is among the top four industries with the highest online form abandonment rates. 

  • Users who abandon online forms often do so because of the form’s length or unnecessary questions. 

  • When they leave, 67% of users abandon the form completely, meaning they never return to it.

Removing barriers to the renewal process, like complicated and lengthy forms, increases the likelihood of members returning for another year. Automatic renewals and streamlined payment options make it easy for members to continue their involvement.

Takeaway: Simplify the renewal process and emphasize the ease of renewal in reminder messages. For example, a reminder email’s subject line might read, “Renew your membership in three easy steps!”

Challenge 3: Insufficient value perception

Usually, members join your association for one purpose: to reap the benefits of membership. The exact benefits depend on your association’s unique mission, industry, and offerings. However, members won’t stick around if they don’t see the value of your membership program.

Communicating your program’s value helps members understand their involvement is worthwhile. Additionally, highlighting tangible benefits shows members the return on their investment. This might involve sharing:

  • Case studies and success stories

  • Member testimonials and reviews

  • Annual impact report

  • Members-only perks, like discounts

  • Exclusive industry insights

Takeaway: Use your association’s LMS to share exclusive content, opportunities, and tools that reinforce membership benefits. Highlight available resources in your marketing materials and renewal reminders to entice members to continue their involvement.

Challenge 4: Lack of community

The sense of belonging is a crucial aspect of your association. After all, the top reason members join an association is to network with others in their chosen profession. Failing to facilitate a strong community among your members will leave them feeling disconnected, isolated, and disinterested in staying involved.

Fostering a strong community encourages active participation and collaboration, resulting in professional connections and personal friendships. Members who are invested both personally and professionally are more likely to stay with your association long-term. Additionally, they’ll feel like they’re part of something meaningful and worthwhile, contributing to greater satisfaction with their membership.

Solution: Leverage community engagement platforms to provide member directories for easier networking and various spaces for discussions. Encourage peer-to-peer interactions and highlight opportunities for collaboration in your outreach efforts.

Challenge 5: Changing member needs and interests

Associations often struggle to meet members’ changing professional needs and expectations. Members who feel that your association isn’t aligned with their current goals likely won’t engage with your content, much less renew their membership when it expires.

For example, as courts continue to embrace remote litigation after the COVID-19 pandemic, legal professionals must adapt accordingly. The remote nature of these proceedings impacts the ability to observe a witness’s behavior, present evidence, and privately confer with a client. Legal associations must understand these changing needs and deliver learning content that addresses them to retain members for the long haul.

Additionally, show an active interest in meeting members’ expectations. This involves requesting their feedback through:

  • Surveys and polls: When a membership is about to expire, send a brief questionnaire to ask about the member’s satisfaction with your current offerings or interest in new programs. 

  • Focus groups: Organize a small group of members to explore specific areas of interest more deeply.

  • One-on-one interviews: Ask highly active members to speak with you for a detailed perspective on specific topics or issues.

  • Community forums: Invite members to voice their thoughts at any time through an online discussion board. 

  • Post-event feedback forms: Capture members’ immediate thoughts on an event by distributing feedback forms to all attendees.

Solution: Gather members’ feedback to identify their current priorities. Update your existing offerings to account for their changing needs and interests. Introduce these new benefits when sending membership renewal reminders to highlight your association’s commitment to fulfilling members’ wishes.

 The key takeaway from each of these challenges is simple: put your members first. As eCardWidget explains, members are more likely to renew their membership if they feel recognized and valued. Successful retention isn’t about watching your membership numbers closely—it’s about fostering a thriving community that supports and empowers your members to succeed.



Mark L. Jones, CAE, Chief Revenue Officer

Mark L. Jones is a Certified Association Executive and proven leader in revenue and membership growth, association best practices, and education technology solutions. As the Chief Revenue Officer for Blue Sky eLearn, an industry leader in innovative learning solutions, he is helping transform the way associations think about learning to turn education and training into their competitive advantage.
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